How do we live together better? MODU  links our well-being to the social and environmental fabric of our cities.


It Is Human Nature to Connect

MODU enhances the urban experience. Designing with micro-climates—the atmospheric conditions of a place—creates healthy environments that are accessible to all, linking people to their communities. Our designs foster inclusive ways of being social while supporting the environment.

Leverage Data to Uncover Opportunities

Every city contains countless properties that have not reached their full potential. They may be suitable for new construction or adaptive reuse; together they represent a wealth of untapped opportunities. MODU conducts extensive research and analysis, using urban data to transform properties into meaningful places.

Collaborative Thinking Enhances Value

Cultivating collaborations encourages the entire client team—leadership, staff, and stakeholders—to be partners in the project, working together toward a richer, more equitable outcome. Our approach harnesses an interdisciplinary think tank, at times co-producing with urban sociologists, climate scientists, robotics engineers, and interactive artists to arrive at integrated design solutions.